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« You should write like E.B. White | Main | Obscenity Boston-style »

February 25, 2005



i think that pepsi is better then coke because it is and thats all i have to say period.


i like pepsi go pepsi go pepsi go pepsi


Coca-Cola was the first and will forever be the best cola. Pepsi just sounds and looks trashy, not to mention it has been a knock-off of Coke from day one. Coke is it!!!!!


Coke is far better than pepsi. pepsi is too sweet and they fail when trying to copy coke in EVERY product they make. Coke makes vanilla coke, then comes pepsi vanilla. coke makes cherry coke, then wild cherry pepsi comes out. There is obviously zero creativity over at the pepsi company. Coke has always been the classiest, whereas pepsi, as Jonathan pointed out, is totally trashy.


i am doing a report on the coke and pepsi challenge and i think pepsi i like pepsi because i think it taste better and it is sweeter and not so fizzy but everyone has a different opinion so i am not sure but coke is ok i guess


for those who said pepsi ripped off of coke, if u go to, drop down menu of ads & more, pepsi legacy, page 90 of 15, coke tried to rip off of pepsi. AND THEY GOY CAUGHT! haha.

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Coke is far better than pepsi. pepsi is too sweet and they fail when trying to copy coke in EVERY product they make.

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These two never stopped on competing one another. Even on commercials.


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well you have to take into account the different markets in differents part of the world, for example in America of course Coca Cola wins, but in Asia Pepsi rules.

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well this blog is great i love reading your articles.

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