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« Speaking the language of terror | Main | Reading Hebrew »

March 12, 2004



Yay! :)

You couldn't read my paper because I haven't written it up yet. It's still in one of my notebooks; I keep intending to get around to it...

language hat

Well, except that the facts didn't change, only your awareness of them...

Michael J. "Orange Mike" Lowrey

I will second Qov's observation, and generalize it more broadly:
an interest in science fiction and fantasy, alias speculative fiction, even in WRITTEN speculative fiction, "is heavily disparaged, in a way that memorizing sports scores or the attributes of different models of car never is."

Even though science-fictional tropes and memes permeate the entirety of our popular culture, it is nonetheless deemed obligatory to sneer at those who enjoy speculative fiction in a serious manner. Why is it more pathetic and geek-like to remember the titles and plotlines of the novels of a Robert Heinlein or Ursula Leguin, than to remember the lineup and batting averages of the 1968 Mets? Whatever I may think of the pretensions of George Lucas to be creating "science fiction" in almost complete ignorance of science and logic, why are his admirers more contemned, more enthusiastically "dissed" in daily discourse than those who devoutly follow the latest antics of Britney Spears or the "American Idol" competition?


Mi pénsi ca i lénguf artificiàl inn impurtànt, minga per dichiarà n'identità cumè i lénguf naturaj, ma per capiss mèj (in di lénguf 'mè l'esperanto) o per divertimént.

Rodrigo Gallardo

>I grew up as an anglophone (is that word in
>use in non-French-speaking countries?)

Well, spanish has 'angloparlante', which is clearly equivalent. But it is an uppity word, so I'm not sure if it really counts as 'in use'.


The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.


The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.


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